
Journal prompts in Emacs

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While I enjoy journaling in Emacs and, asking oneself the same questions every day becomes boring for me really quickly. My new solution is to give myself a random prompt from a list of nice introspective questions I stole from https://clearerthinking.org[fn:2] . This is pretty easily implemented in Elisp [fn:1]:

;list with your prompts
(setq custom/journal-prompts '("What is on your mind?"
                               "What did you achieve today?"
                               "What worried you today?"))
(defun custom/random-phrase ()
  "command to insert prompt at cursor"
    (insert (seq-random-elt custom/journal-prompts)))	  

Happy random journaling!


[fn:2] If you are really curious, you can just take a look at my config.

[fn:1] In the beginning I had high aspirations by weighting how often I get to see a prompt by how useful it was, but this (at least so far) turned out to be an overengineered solution, because it's very easy to just generate a new prompt, so I did not bother with that in the end.

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